How to create your own game for pe class
How to create your own game for pe class

Inclusive PE incorporates everyone who can safely be included in a general PE class. (APE is provided to students with disabilities as part of the special education services they receive.) Inclusive PE is part of the Gen Ed services and involves placing students alongside their peers with support and proper accommodations to help make everyone successful.

how to create your own game for pe class

This includes any student with a disability who may or may not also be receiving Adapted Physical Education (APE) by a special APE teacher. “Inclusive PE” is the term used for a General Education (Gen Ed) physical education class in which ALL students are included. Other times you are well aware of those students and are looking for better ways to keep them challenged, and they end up having a successful and fun experience in your class. In many instances, you may be not be aware of which students have a disability because the disability doesn’t affect their participation in your class. If you are a physical educator, you no doubt have had students with disabilities in your class.

How to create your own game for pe class